The Mobile App - Smart Merch
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The Mobile App

Field agents’ essential tool for real-time data capture and agile decision-making.

See it in action

GPS Tracking

GPS Tracking

Secure your data with precise location validation at each visit’s start and end.

App App

Photo Capture and Crop

Photo Capture and Crop

Capture and tailor retail images for optimal data processing and scene creation.

App App

Call to Action (C2A)

Call to Action (C2A)

Receive and act on real-time feedback to correct errors and ensure data accuracy.

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Refine recognition results through manual adjustments, ensuring data precision.

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Use dynamic forms for comprehensive data collection, enriching KPI insights.

App App

End of Visit Analytics

End of Visit Analytics

Receive detailed KPI reports for informed strategic planning.

App App


Discover the SmartMerch advantage with innovative, standout features.

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Merge photos for a complete, panoramic visualization of product arrangements.

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GPS Faker

Safeguard against location spoofing, ensuring reliable agent location data.

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Selectively capture scenes for focused and relevant data insights.

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Flag System

Identifies and flags inconsistencies that affect data accuracy.

The part of the Ecosystem

Integral to the SmartMerch ecosystem, our mobile app enables efficient, real-time data collection, directly feeding into our analytics and AI-powered decision-making systems.

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Take the first step towards transforming
your retail data into actionable insights.