SM SFA - Smart Merch
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Flexible task setting tools integrated with SM Visor, automating field agent KPIs and prompting necessary actions for task completion during visits.

See it in action
See it in action



SM SFA empowers agents with a system that instantly identifies and highlights operational inconsistencies. It ensures smooth and accurate field operations.

Call to action


With real-time error detection and suggested solutions, SM SFA ensures that agents meet their KPIs during a single visit.

KPI management


SM SFA simplifies KPI tracking and oversight. Set, monitor, and align team performance effortlessly with organizational goals using our integrated system.

Main features

Our support features are designed to meet the specific needs of the product line, providing convenience and reliability for customers.

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Mobile app

Field agents’ essential tool for real-time data capture and agile decision-making. Secure your data with precise location validation at each visit’s start and end.

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Customizable task assignment

Implement a flexible task setting system with weighted KPIs to create rules for automated checks, planograms, brand blocks, shelf presence, and more.

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Call to action

The system autonomously determines the required changes an agent needs to make on the shelf to achieve their KPIs.

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GPS monitoring

Verify agent’s coordinates at the beginning and/or end of a visit for accurate location tracking.

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Add agents and outlets to the system, which then automatically schedules their visits for optimal efficiency.


Automatic system checks for different types of tasks, providing comprehensive monitoring.


Cost savings on building routes, showcasing the system’s efficiency.


GPS tracking for accurate visit monitoring and task prioritization.


Seamless integration with SM Visor for data-driven actions.

How it works

Our product is designed to make your business better. Here is a step-by-step description of how it works, so you can quickly understand the benefits of using our product.

Step 1

Select Outlet

The agent selects an outlet to visit from the list or chooses the nearest outlet for convenient filtering.

Step 2

Coordinate Check

The agent verifies their location relative to the outlet. The system only allows visits to begin if the location is accurate.

Step 3


The agent answers one or more questionnaires, if applicable, during the visit.

Step 4


The agent takes a photo for recognition using SM Visor, following established photography rules.

Step 5

Photo Approval

The agent can manually replace products recognized by the system, subject to moderator approval.

Step 6

Call to Action

If the product layout doesn’t meet the agent’s KPIs, the system suggests changes to improve the situation.

Step 7


Upon completing all steps, the agent receives a visit report indicating the completion percentage of their KPIs.

Step 8

Close Visit

The agent closes the visit by capturing coordinates and confirming their location.


We’ve gathered the most frequently asked questions about our solutions and provided answers below. Feel free to get in touch if any other questions arise.

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